40 Excellent Hobbies for Introverts (Enrich Your Life Today)

Best hobbies and interests for introverts

Hobbies can enrich our lives in all kinds of ways. However, it can sometimes be challenging to find a hobby that suits your personality. This is especially true for introverts because a lot of the more popular hobbies are geared towards extroverts.

In this article, I will share 40 hobbies that are great for introverts. You never have to run out of ideas again.

But first, how do you know if you are an introvert? You are likely to be an introvert if you:

  • Prefer quiet time alone or with one or two friends over socializing in large groups.
  • Prefer to listen to others over sharing personal thoughts and it takes time before you open up to others.
  • Feel drained after spending time socializing and you need some time to recharge.
  • Are better at writing your thoughts than speaking them.

If this seems like you or someone you know, then keep reading to discover hobbies that will be perfect for you.

If you want to know more about introverts, read Susan Cain’s excellent book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

As an introvert, you need a hobby that will allow you to be yourself. Sometimes you will want something more challenging and exciting while other times you will want to withdraw and be alone.

Don’t’ think of introversion as something that needs to be cured… Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to – Susan Cain (Quiet)

I have structured these hobbies in a way that will help you to enrich different areas of your life to give you a well-balanced life. These hobbies will:

  • Take advantage of your strengths as an introvert.
  • Enable you to be a more interesting person.
  • Help you make a bit of money.
  • Enable you to relax and find peace away from a noisy world.
  • Meet like-minded people.

What are good hobbies for introverts?

The following are great hobbies and interests for introverts.

1. Best Introvert Hobbies for Making Money

Let us start with hobbies that are fun but can also put a bit of money in your pocket. Making some extra cash doing something you enjoy can do wonders for your overall well-being.

You can make money from all these hobbies without employing staff or dealing with clients. Best of all, you can easily do them during your free time since they do not require any special equipment or permits.

#1. Blogging

There are many examples of ordinary people making money by blogging about their passions. Some of the hobbies that do well with blogs include travel, food, fashion, crafts, and personal finance.

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If you wish to start a blog, check out my guide on how to start a blog the right way. It will take you through the entire process of starting a blog step-by-step.

#2. Writing Books

Platforms such as Amazon KDP have made it easy to self-publish books. When you write a book, you leave something that can make an impact on people long after you are gone. You can write about your life story, your family or town.

#3. Computer Programming

Many introverts can sit down at a computer for long hours. You can take advantage of this super-power to learn computer programming. Many introverts have gone on to create huge tech companies by leveraging this skill.

#4. Web design

Web design is a great option if you find programming challenging but still want to work with computers. You can create beautiful and functional websites without writing a line of code. These days, we have many tools and services that make creating websites a breeze.

2. Best Introvert Hobbies for Socializing

As an introvert, you probably value your solitude but that does not mean that you will not crave human company from time to time.

If you feel a bit lonely, the following hobbies will help you to socialize and meet other people. The great thing about them is that you can also do them solo. They are also not difficult to pick up.

#5. Sport

Sport is a great way to meet people and keep fit at the same time. Choose a sport that you can do solo but also do with others if you want to. Sports such as running, weight lifting, cross-fit, swimming, and biking are great examples.

For ideas on the various types of sports you can play, see the following articles:

#6. Keep a Pet

Hobbies for introverts: pets
Pets, especially dogs, make great companions

People love talking about their pets and this can be a good ice-breaker if you want to meet new people. It is much easier to make new friends in the park walking a dog than in, say, a supermarket. Pets, especially dogs, are also great companions.

#7. Cooking

If you learn how to make a decent meal, you can invite friends over for dinner and they will be eager to come. You also save a lot of money since you don’t have to socialize at expensive restaurants.

#8. Learn to Perform Magic Tricks

Magic tricks are great conversation starters. You can also use them to fill those awkward moments when you have run out of things to say. Magic tricks work especially well when you need to interact with children without boring them to death.

#9. Card games

Card games are a staple of many get-togethers. Learning some of the popular games such as Bridge, Poker, Cribbage or Spades can provide a welcome distraction for those situations when a conversation is not flowing.

#10. Learn a Second Language

Learning a foreign language will open a whole new world into other people’s food, culture, and music. It can help you make friends with people from different cultures. Learning a new language will also make you seem much smarter than you really are.

#11. Joining a Book Club

Joining a book club is a great way to meet people who are interested in the same things as you. Choose a book club that discusses books around your passions. If you can’t find one, you can start one with one or two of your friends.

3. Best Introvert Hobbies to Help You Keep Fit

Once in a while, you need to take a break from all the thinking you are doing. You need an active hobby that will get your blood pumping. This will leave you feeling refreshed and will contribute massively to your long-term fitness.

The following hobbies are great for keeping fit or losing weight. They can be done solo or with others. Best of all, they are inexpensive.

#12. Weight training

Hobbies for introverts: weightlifting
Lifting weights is a good way to build strength and reduce injuries

Weight training is great if you want to retain muscle mass. As we get older, our muscles get weaker and this can lead to injuries. A sensible weight training program can help you build strong muscles well into your old age. You will look great even in your 60s and 70s.

#13. Walking

Walking is probably one of the best ways to keep fit. It is free, easy to maintain and it gives you loads of time to think of new creative ideas. Experts recommend taking at least 10,000 steps every day to counteract the effects of all the sitting we do. You can get a fitness tracker like Fitbit to track how many steps you take every day.

#14. Swimming

If you are older or carry an injury, you can consider swimming as an alternative to running. It will give you cardiovascular benefits without damaging your joints.

#15. Cycling

Cycling is a great hobby to pick up because you can use your bike to do most of your errands.  You save money that you would have otherwise spent on fuel and you also get fit.

4. Best Introvert Hobbies for Improving Your Mental Health

Studies show that introverts are more susceptible to mental health issues compared to extroverts. This is because we spend so much time lost in our thoughts.  This means that you need to find ways effective ways to deal with stress and unpleasant events.

Fortunately, some hobbies are great stress busters. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, try incorporating them into your daily life.

#16. Journaling

Hobbies for introverts: journaling
Journaling will help you to put your thoughts and feelings into words

If you find it challenging to verbally articulate your thoughts and feelings, consider writing them down.  You can do journaling in many ways, for example, you can write in a book, on your computer, or in a blog.

#17. Meditation

Meditation is a powerful way to get control of your thoughts. This can help you to break those negative thought loops and get temporary relief. Although it can be challenging at the beginning, it is worth taking your time to learn how to meditate correctly.

#18. Yoga

Yoga is great for reducing stress but is also great for increasing flexibility, and improving muscle tone and balance. Regular Yoga will help you to avoid frequent injuries especially if you spend most of your time sitting at a desk.

You can get started with Yoga for free on YouTube. All you need is a mat.

#19. Adult coloring

If you think that coloring is just for kids, think again. Coloring has many health benefits such as reducing anxiety, improving focus, and improving sleep. It can get you into a meditative or flow state and enable you to detach from your thoughts for a while.

5. Best Relaxing Introvert Hobbies That You Can Do Alone

If you find yourself starting to get overwhelmed by the pressures and requirements of work or home, you can schedule some time to get away from it all.

Fortunately, there are activities you can do to unplug, beat anxiety and recharge your batteries.

#20. Bird watching

Bird watching is one of those hobbies that tick many boxes. Birding can help you to reduce stress, make new friends, give you an excuse to travel to exotic places, and help you stay fit.

But the true value of birding is that it opens our eyes to the true beauty of nature. When you feel like the world is turning into a horrible place, birds remind us that there is still something good out there if you pay attention.

#21. Gardening

Gardening can have a meditative and calming effect. It is quite easy to get into the zone when you are out there in nature and working with your hands.

There is also the satisfaction of watching small seeds grow into thriving plants. It is a great metaphor for how life works. Plus you will always have something healthy and tasty to eat.

#22. Hiking

Hiking is a great way to get some exercise while enjoying nature. It is a fairly inexpensive way to clear your head and your lungs. This is good for those days when you feel like your whole world is caving in.

#23. Camping

best hobbies for introverts: camping
Camping is excellent for those times when you want to get away from it all

Modern life robs us of the connection we once had with nature. Camping is a great way to re-establish that connection. Take the time to spend the night in the great outdoors and enjoy the stars at night by the campfire.

You can combine camping with many other outdoor activities like stargazing, bird watching, hiking, or tracking.

#24. Fishing

Fishing is an excellent way to beat stress and anxiety. There is something soothing about being near water, whether it is a river or an ocean. Depending on your personality, there are many types of fishing you can take up from fly fishing to sport fishing or spearfishing.

There is the bonus of getting to eat what you catch. Regularly getting some of that natural Omega 3 goodness can do wonders for your health.

6. Best Introvert Hobbies for Entertainment

After a hard day at work, you want to have something to look forward to as you go home. Here are some hobbies that you can take up to recharge and prepare yourself to do it all again.

The entertainment hobbies below are particularly suited for introverts because they give you a break from all the extraverted activities you have been doing the whole day.

#25. Reading

Many introverts find themselves naturally attracted to reading. Unfortunately, with all the distractions in our lives, it can be difficult to make time for reading.

Reading helps you to go into a fantasy world and live vicariously for a while; a welcome distraction from the sameness of daily life.

If you really can’t find time for reading, consider getting an audiobook. You can listen to your favorite books as you do other things. You can get good audiobooks at an affordable price at Audible.

#26. Gaming

Gaming can be highly immersive and good fun. This is probably the king of all distractions and a potential time-waster. However, if you get into gaming determined to be disciplined, you can get all the benefits of gaming without its downsides.

#27. Watching Documentaries

What’s not to love about watching documentaries? You get smarter while being entertained. Documentaries can open you up to new knowledge, cultures, and experiences. You get to realize that the world is a pretty interesting place.

#28. Listening to Music

Music is an excellent way to instantly change your mood. It bypasses the logical brain and goes straight to the heart. Make a collection of different types of music for different moods.

Whether you want to relive a special memory, calm yourself down, or get pumped up, music is the way to go.

7. Best Creative Introvert Hobbies

Creativity is something we are all born with but we neglect as we get older. As time passes, we start to believe that we are not creative.

Creativity is a skill just like any other skill, the more you work at it, the more creative you become. Here are some hobbies that can help you become more creative.

Further reading: If you enjoy doing creative activities like music, art, or performing, check out my list of the best creative hobbies (150+) you can take up.

#29. Play an instrument

Music is the elixir of life. The process of learning how to create beautiful music is tortuous but can be deeply meaningful. It is enthralling to watch a skillful guitarist or pianist at work. That could be you.

#30. Photography

As smartphones have become more common, we have come to take photography for granted. Taking great photographs, however, is a skill you might want to perfect. It will get your creative juices flowing and help you capture those special memories for posterity. It can also become a highly immersive activity.

#31. Drawing or Painting

If you want to challenge yourself creatively, learn how to draw or paint. Even if you think that you are the worst at drawing, you can surprise yourself with what you can create with the right technique.

#32. Pottery

Hobbies for introverts: pottery
Pottery is great for getting into a meditative state

Pottery is a great way to work with your hands. The feeling you get from kneading and molding clay can get you into a meditative state. And there is something satisfying about getting your hands dirty- perhaps because it takes us back to our childhood.

#33. DIY

Learning how to do various Do It Yourself tasks is fun and saves you money. You don’t have to pay money for many of the DIY tasks in your home. Plus you can use these tasks as a way to bond with your family.

Look around your house and pick a task (painting, fixing leaky taps, or re-sealing the shower). Figure out how to do it and get to work.

If you want some great ideas on DIY projects you can start, check out my article on the best DIY hobbies.

#34. Bonsai

Bonsai is an ancient Japanese art of creating artificially dwarf trees through pruning over time. Although it requires patience and time, you can create wonderful living sculptures. Bonsai is also a great stress reliever, especially helpful for getting into a flow state.

#35. Marbling

If you are looking for an easy way to get into art, try marbling. With marbling, you use different colors of paint to create marble-like patterns on paper or other surfaces. You can create some really interesting patterns with this technique even if you are a complete beginner.

#36. Writing and Reciting Poetry

You may not be into poetry but it is a great way to exercise your creative muscles because it is quite unlike the daily writing we do. When you think about it, modern rap music and spoken word are reincarnations of poetry.

#37. Needle felting

Needle felting may not be a common hobby but it is great for practicing creativity. In needle felting, you stab a piece of wool with a needle to create all kinds of objects. It is amazing to see what accomplished needle-felters can do. Plus it is a fairly inexpensive hobby.

8. Best Introvert Hobbies for Self-Improvement

A list like this would not be complete without some hobbies that will help you to move beyond your comfort zone. The hobbies below can open you up to new experiences, help you overcome old fears, and help you to take on new challenges.

#38. Storytelling

Human beings are wired for stories. It is how we transmit our values and culture. Learning how to be a good storyteller can help you in many other parts of your life such as dating or business. If you want to meet interesting people, you need to be an interesting person and storytelling can help you do that.

#39. YouTube

Hobbies for introverts: YouTube
A YouTube channel will help you to challenge yourself creatively and socially

YouTube is great for making money from more visual passions. Crafts, food, make-up, travel, or cleaning all do very well on YouTube. YouTube is great if you want to train yourself to be comfortable in the limelight. However, if you don’t want to appear on camera, you can still make videos without showing your face or even speaking.

#40. Stand Up Comedy

If you really want to get out of your comfort zone, this is the way to go. The thought of making a fool of yourself in public may have you running for the hills, but there is value in learning how to operate in the face of terror.

Final Thoughts

The world doesn’t have to be boring. There are a lot of things that you can do to enrich your life.

It is difficult to know what hobby will suit you unless you try it. Pick a hobby and try it for a few weeks or a few months. Surprise yourself.

Remember, a hobby is like a key to another world. You never really know what will happen once you open that door, but it is bound to be exciting. The world, as they say, is your oyster.

Hopefully, these ideas have lit up something in you. If you want more ideas on hobbies you can pursue, check out my ultimate list of hobbies.